Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Blackett's Ridge

Hike Leader: Will Nelson
In Attendance: 12 Ramblers, give or take
It was a nice day for this tried and true hike and it did not disappoint.
At the top there were cute and very over-fed squirrels, and
at the Sabino crossing point everyone soaked their feet and
observed the numerous fish.

Ramsey Canyon to Huachuca Crest

Hike "Leader": Will Nelson
In attendance: 7-8 Ramblers, depending on how you count.
We started from the Nature Conservancy entrance at Ramsey Canyon, and climbed
all the way up to the Huachuca Crest trail, about 5 miles one way. It was quite strenuous
and the hike leader led from behind most of the time. Also, it
got extremely cold and windy towards the top; however, it was well worth it since
the crest area was very beautiful and had stellar views.
One Noble Rambler eschewed hiking altogether and rode to Bisbee to drink beer.